Wake up to the sunrise with a strong cup of
coffee(or tea if you please)! Pause.. Take a long breath, smell the fresh air
and then plan your day!
Running around the house, working in the
kitchen, fighting silly with the vegetable vendor! Pause.. You still manage to
ignore the fights with your mom/mom-in-law!
Having a bad hair day, can’t figure out what
more you can do to control it! Pause.. You Smile and it hides everything
Hate your neighbour’s dog, why does it always
have to poo in front of your house, it also wants to torture me! Pause.. But
still you adore the dog to bits!
Getting late for work, your brand new chappal
tears! Pause.. You just pick it up gracefully like nothing happened and just
walk ahead!
Manage to catch a seat on a running bus, you
are happy that you can finally relax! Pause.. You give your seat away to an old
lady who walks in!
In a new city, alien language, no idea where
you are! Pause.. You still manage to buy your daily groceries!
Exhausted after a long day’s work, you still
have to go back home and cook! Pause.. You still manage to do something special
for dessert after dinner!
Celebrate womanhood not just one day in a
year, but every day of your life! If you find yourself doing any of the above
then YOU are on the way to becoming the 'CEO of Your Life’!
Have a mug of hot chocolate(ignore the
calories), pamper yourself once in a while, stop cribbing about your boss, take
a day off from work and watch a movie with friends, go out for long walks,
listen to radio, sing or even dance while cooking in the kitchen, tell ‘hi’ to
your neighbours, visit a nearby temple, an old age home or any place that is
close to your heart, wish your close friends and family on their birthdays!
Surprise your loved ones. Smile a lot!
Swalpa sihi, swalpa kahi yellara
jeevanadllu iratte! dont Pause..