My Principal late Mr. Venkatachalam, my teachers Mary miss, Yasmine miss, Taj miss, Janet miss, Farida miss, Mukta miss, Manonmani miss, Sarala miss and Mallika miss and our PT master Anand sir have played a big role in my upbringing!! Hats off to all these lovely people!!
I loved to dance and participated in all the cultural activities, especially on the founders day conducted every year on July 30th! I was fondly called "Made in Bangalore" by my principal after I impressed all by dancing to the tunes of Alisha Chinhoy's Made in India!! BTW that was the first song i ever choreographed :)) Here are a few pics of the best days in my life!!
My 7th standard class photo, it is very easy to guess where I am!! :) I almost always had long hair!! :))
You really cant locate me in this picture, my partner Aashish and I are completely covered!! :( But still I love this pic!! Soo much of make up! uff!! We were much more cute without the makeup!! ha ha :))
We danced to the song 'are jaare hat natkhat' from the movie Navrang! There was soo much energy displayed on stage. . Best show of that evening!! :)
I did learn western free-style dance for few years!! Below are a few more pics of my life in Home School :)
v nice babes!!
do post in more..wil chk regularly;)
nice post... :)
Waiting for the NEXT Post . . .
do update soon :)
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So you better update this soon
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