I find 27, a very confused age to be in. On one end you are
trying to be all mature and grown up, but there is the other part of you which
is a total kid and just wanna jump around! By the way I still love watching Tom
and Jerry.
At 27, your dad expects you to be a part of all the major
decisions taken in the family, take on a few responsibilities and shoulder some
burden. But still he will not allow you to decide which route to take home
while driving the car!
At 27, you are likely to have few years of work experience.
You are striving hard and trying your best to match your salary packages with
that of your counter parts in the so called big MNCs. In case you already are
in a good post you are wondering how to raise the bar and get out of the
comfort zone! Then there are the creatures who have done their masters abroad..
Looking at their facebook pictures, you will for sure think 'May be I should
have done my masters too!’
At 27, almost all of your male friends seem to be working hard
and partying harder, on exotic locations for vacation. Most of them are on
their onsite opportunities to US, UK, Germany or at least somewhere in Asia.
Somehow there are a few of us who didn’t go anywhere!
At 27, Most of your female friends are married and most of
them are likely pregnant or already with kids. All they can talk about are
diamonds and wonder why you are still not married! Many of them give you the
sympathetic gestures 'oh poor you! why aren’t you able to get things moving on
in your life!' Well life is just not about marriage!
At 27, you avoid going to any family get together or family
functions. If you are not already married you wanna avoid the constant stares
and provocative questions as to why you are not married, the case aint good if
you are married either, for sure all the aunts wanna know as to when you will
give them good news! sheesh.. you are just recovering from one major
responsibility you have taken up!
At 27, you are trying to hit the gym regularly. But still
you can never reduce beyond a few grams.. Sure your food consumption has
reduced from your college days but wonder why you can’t burn the few calories
you are consuming.. Anyhow a small pot belly only indicates that you are a hard
working software engineer! lol
At 27, you wanna revive a few of the old hobbies you had
like music, guitar, dance or anything you loved during your college days. You
certainly wished that it was just more than a hobby. You try and get back to
your classes after making a lot of adjustments in your day to day activities so
that it can make you feel a lil better about yourself. For sure there is life
beyond code!
At 27, what I learnt is No matter what your age is, it is
important that we stay young at heart. Laugh a lot, read a book, go for long walks,
work happily/willingly, hang out often with your friends, have an occasional
beer, drive away with your loved one, give your mom a tight hug, tell your dad
that you love him and you are there for him! With a good attitude towards life
Age is just a number!!!